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Raphael's Red Card Day...again!
(January 11, 2014)This weekend our club TBRCC held its 12th but first go-it-alone show. The cream of ragdoll cats were there, including a bunch of Groovicats. Our veteran boy Raphael, every inch a gentleman all day long, had a red card day, winning Olympian Grand Challenge, Best of Breed, four firsts and Best in show seal bicolour and bicolour silver cups. He was gamely backed up by Georgie who gained his second Premier Challenge Certificate, and two of Angie's kittens; Razzmatazz-who was placed in every class and his brother Crackerjack who won his breed class. I reconnected with the lovely Groovicats Silviasonnywood for the first time since she left home for London life in May last year, met some good old human friends for long talks and met some nice new people too. So once again the mantlepiece is full of rosettes ( paw magnets) and the kittens' toy bowl has all new bits and pieces of delight thanks to goody bags our committee made up for all the cats present. Exhibiting four cats is a bit of a stretch even for someone as young as I am so now I'm glad of a rest before I get ready to do it all over again!!! See you around, folks!